About Us


Sites scanned and modelled


Years of Experience


Trillion dots scanned

At Total Scan 3D, we strive to provide clients throughout a range of different industries with realistic design-build services.

site design modelling for oil and gas pipes

Total Scan 3D works to utilize technology in order to increase efficiency and project schedules, while also minimizing errors and costly time on site, providing our customers with fast, reliable services. Since the company was first founded, it has been our mission to connect the oil and gas industry with the technology and expertise that will revolutionize how construction is completed, from design to fabrication to installation on site.

Extensive experience in scanning for the oil & gas industry

With over 15 years of experience in oilfield construction in Canada and overseas, Total Scan 3D is well versed in all aspects of site construction, from site layout to fabrication to installation.


Our 3D laser scanning acquires accurate data of existing or new construction sites. Contact us Today

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